Voices of Healing: Trans and Nonbinary Survivors SPEAK OUT! Lend your voice!

FORGE and MenHealing are proud to announce the launch of Voices of Healing: Trans and Nonbinary Survivors SPEAK OUT! Our dynamic, collaborative team is enthusiastic to roll out this project and invite you in!

The SPEAK OUT is designed to support, uplift, and foster the resilience of trans and nonbinary survivors of sexual victimization using the power of story, narrative, movement, or other creative expression.

Ten applicants will be selected to be part of this engaging, skills-building, and community-enriching program to hone their stories and create powerful public moments of resilience. The SPEAK OUT will culminate with two live premieres for a national audience in late March/early April 2022.

Download a sharable flyer to share with your friends and colleagues.


New Trans Masculine Group at the Center!!


Trans-Forward - Social & Discussion Group